“The Greatest Fight On Earth”

Deathstars_Andreas_Salzburg_01Stvari se često događaju u mom životu koje so očito daleko od puke slučajnosti. Dok smo Claudia i ja čekali da počne koncert Hurtsa (prošle nedjelje), pričale smo o Deathstarsima i njihovom nadolazećem albumu – pet minuta kasnije, vidjela sam najave za buduće događaje u Gasometeru, gdje je jedan od njih bio koncert Deathstarsa na moj rođendan sljedeće godine! Moja ljubav prema Deathstarsima obilježila je veliki dio mog života, posebice nakon što sam upoznala Andreasa i ekipu na EXIT festivalu 2006. godine (sjećaš li se te noći, Olga?). Njihova “marka tame” mi je, takoreći, uvijek pasala. Vrijeme je došlo za uživanje u sjećanjima provođenja vremena s njima uz moje dvije najdraže pjesme, “Syndrome” i “The Greatest Fight On Earth” – do proljeća, moji dragi!

(Andreas i ja, Salzburg, Austrija, travanj 2007.)

/Such a violent syndrome tapped to your spine
It's a virus storm and it's about to be born

Such a violent word that wants to be heard
You got me deep within and under your skin

I'm gonna touch you inside
I'm gonna be your little child
Right where your blood runs wild
Inside, that's where I'll hide/

/Absorb all their fears, Collect all their minds
We’ll be the snakes wherever they’ll play
And we’ll be the demons whenever they’ll pray
…It’ will be the greatest fight on the earth

Snatch the wings of a fly
Spit on them and nail them to my spine
Say ”little insect now fly away”
But I’ll be the demon in every psalm you pray

The disease, the love, the claws, the blood
The empty clinics of savaged hearts
The rusty nails in lidless eyes
…And the skin won’t ever be cleansed from the dirt…

Come here
Now come here
Let me smell your fears/

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