2024 Recap: What a year!

It‘s an almost impossible task to summarize the past year in just a few lines, but I feel that I should at least emphasize the challenging but stellar work I‘ve done in the academia:
– presented at three conferences in France (one on Giger and another one on Lovecraft, no less!)
– researched intriguing representations of multimodal figurativity in John Carpenter‘s “In the Mouth of Madness“ and Drew Goddard‘s “The Cabin in the Woods“
– prepared a couple of articles for peer review/publication
– became a member of AFLiCo – French Association for Cognitive Lingustics
– last but not least, acquired new acquaintances among fellow researchers

I‘ve also caught up with professor Zoltán Kövecses, who was a plenary speaker at the conference here in Lyon, and years ago one of my professors during the PhD studies in Croatia. Indulging in passionate conversations about genre movies and dark art with esteemed colleagues such as professors Gilles Menegaldo (who invited me to present at the incredible “H.P. Lovecraft and the Sciences“ conference in Poitiers), and Christopher Robinson has been nothing short of spectacular, and an especially lovely addition to these amazing encounters has been Kathy Lenze, an artist and animal rights activist who was simply like a breath of fresh air and I’m truly hoping our paths cross again soon. With new prospects on the horizons, I‘ve finished the year extremely grateful and inspired, all in the serenity of my home.

One of the other highlights has been traveling with my mom to Paris (hours spent at the Louvre, sightseeing and eating delicious vegan food!), with my husband to Amsterdam (what a lovely weekend getaway that was!), and with my best friend to the Weekend of Hell convention in Germany (see below). Animal rights activism deserves a bunch of special posts, but for now I‘ll say that this year I‘ve also been organizing/coorganizing a lot of events and actions and have come to an even deeper understanding of the speciesist bonds that tie and hide the need for animal liberation, and how to make this need truly apparent in our society. As with each year that passes, I hope for health of my loved ones and myself, serenity and success in all fields. And of course, that we get closer to a vegan world in which all animals are safe! God willing!

PhD Thesis Defense Impressions

Exactly six months ago (on October 25, 2017), I successfully defended my PhD thesis titled “Monomodal and Multimodal metaphor and Metonymy in the Art of H.R. Giger” in front of the PhD committee, my professor and supervisor Mario Brdar, and my family, friends, and students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Croatia. The whole thing felt appropriately surreal and magical, and unlike anything else so far in my life – this is it, the final step! My dream and what feels like a culmination of my academic interest and personal love came true. I owe eternal gratitude to my dear supervisor, professors in the committee and everyone who supported my PhD journey. In two days I’ll have my promotion and I’m pretty excited – the announcement, the throwing of hats (at least I think we’ll throw them)! I hope another two years don’t pass till my next post, though. =)

A few visual impressions from the defense and afterwards (the defense, with my supervisor, chilling with my professors and family at a nice café in Osijek – I had a smoothie, of course):

Goosebumps in Ljubljana: Kurja Polt Genre Film Festival 2016


As with all the places that connect me with special people and H.R. Giger, I think I left a piece of my heart in Ljubljana. Reason to visit: Kurja Polt Genre Film Festival, where I had the utmost pleasure and honour to give a lecture on his art through a cognitive-linguistic lens, thus contributing to the homage to H.R. Giger on the second day of the festival, April 14.

plakat_FINAL_KP20161-726x1024How did it all came to be? Marco Witzig, curator and Giger collector (and my dear friend who has helped me tremendously with the corpus for my PhD thesis) put me in touch with the festival organizers in order to do something regarding their homage to H.R. Giger (which included the screening of the „Dark Star“ documentary, short films and music videos). In a matter of hours and some email exchange later – it was all set: I was to present a lecture under the title „H.R. Giger Alienscapes: The Secret Language of Biomechanics“, which is derived from my research so far. Suffice to say – I couldn’t sleep that night from the excitement!
Kurja Polt festival (appropriately named „Goosebumps“ in Slovenian) is run by some of the most talented and interesting people I ever had the opportunity to meet, spearheaded by the incredible Maša Peče (pictured above with me). From the first email, to our encounter on the day of the homage, to our parting (for now), there was a great amount of energy between us – two horror film enthusiasts and art lovers – that we basically hit it off from the get-go, and I cannot wait to see this fantastic lady again.

Also, the rest of the Kurja Polt gang: Neža, Nika, Ondra, Kaja, Varja, Matevž from Kraken Short Film Festival, and all the others I’ve met (their professionalism and hospitality knows no boundaries), including other festival guests (Francois, Dolly and Bernd), made this an unforgettable experience in the alluring darkness of Kinoteka and Kinodvor cinemas.

foto arhiv Kurja polt (3)
Yes, we went on a boat ride, too! Also, we were treated with great lunches, a ride with the funicular to the Ljubljana castle, along with many interesting activities in and around the venues. For example, after the screening of the Indian blockbuster „Baahubali: The Beginning“, the foyer of Kinodvor was filled with Indian-style snacks (including mushrooms with curry, mmm!); after the H.R. Giger day, Kinoteka was decorated with crushed ice fog (à la Debbie Harry’sNow I Know You Know“) and sangria; before the midnight screening of „I Spit On Your Grave“, encouragement in the form of whiskey shots was served at the entrance.

As for my lecture, I was incredibly happy and honoured to have so many people in the audience, considering that it was mostly from an academic point of view and that it wasn’t so interactive. After the lecture, I had many visitors coming to me and complimenting me for the insight into the visual metaphors and metonymies in Giger’s art (including a colleague who is doing a Master’s thesis in linguistics at the moment), and I even had a pleasant conversation with students (I believe from performing arts, who were doing a workshop in film criticism) and their professor, on the allure of Giger’s creations.

My dear friend Claudia was also there with me, making this a complete travel! We had such fun with this trailer (and kept quoting things like „Why haven’t you checked the children?“, or „Oh, really? Did she like it?“) throughout the festival and later as well:

My love for „Suspiria“ was ignited again after finally seeing the film in all its glory on the silver screen (and the soundtrack is a masterpiece which I must own on vinyl too), and we discovered some gems like „La Morte Vivante“ and the original „When A Stranger Calls“.
Kurja Polt Genre Film Festival is a horror film fan’s dream come true, and next year this fantastic event will probably see me as a visitor. Ljubljana is a lovely city, filled with vegan restaurants and friendly people, that I simply cannot wait for April 2017 to come and to see what Maša & Co. have in store for the next edition.
Thank you, Kurja Polt!

Photos courtesy of Matjaž Rušt/Kurja Polt